Cards of shadow
Create a Helioclim file
Calculating shading in a plot requires radiation data specific to that plot.
Use free data, monthly averages: HelioClim-3 (3 years of free data: 02/2004 to 12/2006)
1 Field Add meteo data, indicate False
2 Field End date, indicate 2006-12-31
3 Field Time step, indicate Month
4 Click on the button Process
5 In window Result file, click on the mouse button and save, keeping only the location details: Helioclim_SaintJeanLeBlanc__lat47.893_lon1.936 (if you can't see the Process button on your small screen, press the interval key to access it!)
6 Click in the list on Save content as... and save Capsis-installeur -> data -> ecoaf -> helioclim
The files are already present in the installer.
Visualising light distribution
1 Click in the list on Tool box
2 In Available tools, click on Ecoaf Radioactive Balance
3 Click on the button OK
4 Click on the button Browse
5 In window Open, select the file Helioclim
6 Click on the button Open
7 Click on the button Process
Shading parameters
Divide the plot into squares measuring 1 m to 5 m (smaller squares are possible but take care with calculation time), covering the entire surface, including strips of vegetation.
Calculating shading is only useful when the trees have grown enough to have an impact. What's more, the transparency of a young crown varies greatly depending on pruning and thinning.
Summer transparency is provided by crownOpennessWithLeaves in the file treeSpecies ; These values were deduced from photos, or where this was not yet possible, from an average value.
Winter transparency is provided by crownOpennessWithoutLeaves in the file treeSpecies ; they are equal to transparency in summer for evergreen species, and 0.9 otherwise.
Two dates in Julian days are entered for the entire plot to define the vegetation period; find the correspondences with the dates with, for example, on the website
The final Julian day is larger than the initial Julian day: we can't define the winter period in one go, we have to do it twice.